Valentina Villarroel
Other People
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1Antena Magnetica Captando Campos Electromagneticos I
2Antena Magnetica Captando Campos Electromagneticos II
3Microfono De Contacto Captando Vibracion Del Puente Llacolen
4Microfono De Contacto Captando La Interaccion Entre El Viento Y Un Arbol
5Microfono De Contacto En Elementos Vibrantes
6Microfonos De Contacto Captando Granizos
7Microfonos De Contacto En Autobus
8Hidrofono Bajo El Fondo Del Mar
9Vibraciones De Materiales Geofon II
10Vibraciones De Materiales Geofon I
11Vibraciones De Materiales Geofon III
12En La Direccion Del Viento
13Ronroneo De Selai
15Efectos Sonoros En La Naturaleza

15 tracks composed of field recordings recorded through the practice of silent walks and the use of various experimental microphone techniques.

Valentina Villarroel is a sound artist and phonographer who explores the intricate dynamics within various Southern ecosystems. Her work revolves around the profound potential of acoustic ecology, particularly in the face of encroaching real estate development on natural spaces. She also delves into the consequences of sound pollution on numerous species, contributing to their decline or disappearance. In recent years, her focus has extended to urban soundscapes and significant sonic events, such as the October 18th protest in Chile. With a solid background in bioacoustics applied to both human and animal well-being, Valentina assumes the role of co-director at AOIR Sound Laboratory. There, she spearheads an interdisciplinary initiative that centers sound as its core element. This includes the creation of the sonic cartography portal, as well as the development of handmade electronic devices like the Bowerbankii and the creation of various experimental microphones.

This release delves deep into the world of audible and inaudible soundscapes and their ability to give us an alternate knowledge of reality.